Thursday 6 October 2011

Durga Puja

Throughout this week there has been a huge Hindu festival called Navratri going on. Navratri is a auspicious time of the year where fellow Hindu's get together to dance, sing, socialise and enjoy. I, Myself am a Hindu Bengali and was born in the city of Kolkata in India, where, at the time of Navratri, a celebration of the goddess 'Ma Durga' is very hugely celebrated in a major scale. Thus, this celebration is still enjoyed by the small Bengali communities in London and is mainly celebrated in hired halls. Obviously it is not celebrated in the big fancy way like they do in Kolkata but, we still try to make the most of it. This event goes on for five days and includes a priest leading the 'pujas' (prayers), we also come to socialize, listen to music, eat food and sometimes dances and various other acts are performed too.

On the 3rd, 4th and 5th of October I attended my local 'Durga Puja' event and also was able to film some good footage. I will now need to show my team mates of 'NAKZ' to see whether or not we could use some of this footage in our news package.


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