Tuesday 13 March 2012


We are exaclty one week away from our deadline. So as this is the final stretch, we aim to complete everything this week, so we have time to make final tweeks to our website, news package and evaluation.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Inspiration for our Evaluation Powerpoint

We have looking at examples of previous evaluation powerpoints to try and gain an understanding of what is expected of us; and the type of layout, content and level of detail that is needed. It will consist of how we have progressed throughout the process of making this news package, and we will evaluate the pros and cons of our news package. Above this, we have enjoyed learning how news channels and corporations produce news. The evalutaion also allows us to have an idea of how our news package is similar and different to model news packages that we have seen in the past.


Tuesday 28 February 2012

News Title Sequence Youtube Video

We are uploading our news title sequence onto our Youtube channel so that we can then upload it onto our blog and website. This will allow other Youtube users to get a feel of the style of news we produce and hopefully would attract audiences who are interested in culture as well as we are.


Website Restrictions

We have come across some obstacles when providing news; because due to use being a local news team we are limited to the number of stories we can produce as we only cover a small area. 


Monday 27 February 2012


We have also added adverts to our website as it gives a more realistic feel as news websites like the guardian and the telegraph have adverts. So since we are taking inspiration from these news websites, we have created adverts for our websites.



Since we are coming to the end of our project we are starting our evaluation powerpoint. In this powerpoint we will talk about our news package and we we chose to do it in the way we have.