Wednesday 16 November 2011


We created a questionnaire to find out peoples opinions on News as a whole, this was to help us better our news package by finding out what our audience like. Our questionnaire contained 10 questions and we asked 20 people to give us a verity of results. We asked questions like:

"do you Watch the news?" - this was to help us find out how many young adults watched the news.

"What news Channel do you watch?" - this was to help us find out the most popular news channel, so we could research what techniques they use to reach that level of popularity.

"what is your opinion on cultural news?" - We asked this question to gain an insight to how popular our news package will be if it was going to be released publicly.

"How do you prefer to receive you news?" - This question help us find out how young adults prefer to access the news, so we could try and include this in our news package.

Our Results found that most Young adults watch the news and that BBC was the most popular news channel; and that young adults accessed the news about once a day. Our results also showed us that people were interested in cultural news and would watch it if the service was available.

We are hoping to draw up another questionnaire asking more questions.


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